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MISSION - How we attain our purpose and vision









Mission Statement 


The WECHI mission is to:


1. Shift the consciousness of humanity to a shared ecological vision that serves, supports, and nurtures Earth and All life


2. Create an ever-widening dynamic, collaborative, and synergistic planetary network of ecologically conscious, socially just, and spiritually fulfilled individuals, households, and communities who support one another and live, learn, and act in harmony with and in sacred service to Earth’s evolving bioregional life support systems and All Life

3. Override the “6th extinction”


  • Create and Share replicable ecological practices and bioregional models that serve and further develop this generation and future generations of Global Ecological Citizens. These may include the methods and production of ecologically conscious bioregional living structures, land use, and farming models in communities and households worldwide.


  • Restore sustainable, regenerative processes that support  Earth’s bioregional life-support systems.


Mission Details


A. INVITE all to adopt the following wisdoms, values, principles, and practices:


  1. Universal Laws of Nature

  2. Listen to the Heart, Act for the Earth

  3. Think Globally, Act Locally

  4. Tend to Energy, Food, Clothing, and Shelter

  5. Focus on Education, Community, Culture, and Place (bioregion) 

  6. Sustainability and Regeneration

  7. Earth is made up of evolving bioregional life support systems

  8. The natural world is a feedback loop (not simply a resource)

  9. An ecological vision of interconnection, collaboration, and sacred service to Earth and All life

  10. Oneness consciousness; all is a profoundly interconnected web of life

B. EDUCATE and EMPOWER individuals and communities to live, learn, and act in deep connection with, in harmony

    with, and in sacred service to Earth’s evolving bioregional life support systems. 


C. INSPIRE others to join the movement. 


D. UNIFY those who share ecologically conscious values and practices and a vision of living lightly on the planet. 


E. DEVELOP an ever-widening dynamic, collaborative, and synergistic planetary NETWORK of individuals, households,

    and communities who:


  1. Practice ecological living, learning, and action based on the ecocentric values, principles, and practices of sustainability and regeneration 


   2. Are of service to their respective bioregions


   3. Seek out and collaborate with others for support, learning, wisdom, and sharing


   4. Collaborate to create and enjoy lives that integrate ecological, social, economic, emotional, and spiritual endeavors

       that are informed and inspired by Earth herself 


   5. Endeavor to create replicable ecological practices and bioregional models that serve and further develop this

       generation and future generations of Global Ecological Citizens 

“Small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the system

to a higher order.”

- Nobel Laureate Ilya Prigogine

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