Wild Earth Communities & Households International
Executive Summary
The Wild Earth Communities & Households International (WECHI) mission is to bring people, communities, and organizations of all ages, circumstances, and persuasions together within an
ever-widening planetary network that practices ecological living, learning, and action.
As such, WECHI provides fertile ground for experiencing interconnections within a “living and learning holistic community” of ecologically conscious practitioners and advocates in which sustainable and regenerative ecocentric values, principles, and skills are learned, practiced, and shared.
“We must return to community; our existence depends on just that. The ‘I’ will become the ‘WE’.”
"People must reinvent themselves as teachers, leaders, and transformers of culture toward living in ecologically sustainable and regenerative ways."
“When the Bird and the Book Disagree, Listen to the Bird.”
- Dr. Larry Buell, Founder, WECHI
We need more practical and Earth-based replicable models where all life thrives through Personal and Planetary interconnection and interdependence, “ease, joy, wonder and awe”, and the well-being of all life.
“The response to climate change, cultural fragmentation, and social and environmental injustices must be deep, radical, and immediate.” - Dr. Larry Buell, Founder, University of The Wild
How is WECHI different?
In traditional intentional communities and ecovillages, there are three central components:
1) an expressed vision;
2) a group of people coming together to live the vision; and
3) a physical space to express the vision.
There are rich traditions in this movement of Earth-based community, such as the Fellowship for Intentional Communities, Global Ecovillage Network, Federation of Egalitarian Communities, Co-Housing, and many others.
The concept of WECHI is based on the same traditional Earth-based and community principles, yet different because there are individuals and groups who also seek and could benefit from support, learning, and collaboration with aligned individuals and groups worldwide.
Why “Wild Earth”?
Wild Earth abides within the Universal Laws of Nature. This “call of the wild” is a return to nature as we learn and follow its natural laws and thereby live in connection and in harmony with nature, her processes, and All life.
What would the world be, once bereft
Of wet and of wildness? Let them be left,
O let them be left, wildness and wet;
Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet.
- Gerard Manley Hopkins

“I am asked what to do about climate change -
my short answer – find community!”
- Bill McKibben, Founder, 350.org